Create a job

Fields explained

Most of the fields for creating a job listing are self-explanatory – it is clear how they are used in the website and how they’re displayed. Below are some descriptions of the fields that you won't necessarily see on the job listing itself but will have an impact on whether or people can see/apply for the job.

Posted At

The ‘Posted At’ field declares when the job listing became available. This will typically be the day you create the job vacancy, but you can also set it to go live on a specific date in the future.

Valid To

This field allows you to determine when the listing expires and will remove it from the website automatically.


Make the ‘Published’ toggle green when you are satisfied with the content and happy for it to be live on the website. If the toggle is turned off, the listing will never display on the website.

Published At

This is a generic field used throughout the website – you'll spot it in the News section, too. In this instance it is similar to the ‘Posted At’ field and you can simply set them at the same value. However, if this date is in the future the job listing won't display until then. This field is still used as it's very important for the system to understand the state of a career listing – you will also find this is required for Reordering jobs.